Interested in Wright Manufacturing?
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Wright Manufacturing
Wright was the first, and continues to be the most advanced, stand-on mowing technology available. The entire line of Standers, as well as Wright’s traditional mowers, deliver productivity, quality and reliability that is second to none. Excellence is their promise to you, and is built into every Wright mower.
Benefits of using a stand-on mower
Standing is a more ergonomic work position. Sitting for long periods of time causes numerous issues including tight hipflexors, hamstrings, and lower back fatigue. High productivity allows the Stander to get the job done with less time and fuel. Economical doesn’t have to be slow!
Aero Core Deck
Rather than pulling all the air up the middle of the mower blade and pushing it out the sides like other decks do, the AERO CORE™ is designed to pull more air from the front, which powerfully whips up the grass at the front cutting edge. The result is a cleaner, more even cut. The air-tapered surfaces that create this effect, combined with anti-clumping baffles, also help the cut grass to discharge freely. This allows each mower blade to cut efficiently and also minimizes time spent cleaning.
Hills? No problem
With its Operator Balance Control (OBC), Wright mowers let you take hills almost as fast as level ground. The stand-on mowing revolution started right here. However, today it is even more refined. The patented stand-on design, known as Operator Balance Control (OBC), lets you become an extension of the machine, which allows you to handle changing terrain and hills.